Bem-Vindo ... You're Welcome!

Normalmente eu diria a minha frase preferida,uma citacao do #TVD que eh : Isso eh pra mim saber ,e pra voce,ponto ponto ponto. Mais,pensando bem,esse blog eh exatamente pra voce saber o que acho,e tudo que curto para poder repassar a voces,entao,esquece a citacao,e me acompanhe!

-Normally I would say my favorite quote from #TVD that is: That's for me to know,and for you,dot dot dot.But,thinking better,this blog is exactly for you to know what I think so I can repass to,forget the quote,make me company!

Quem sou eu

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My name is Mila,I´m from Brazil and one of the many supporters of and IS Foundation since May-17 and looking forward to help even more our animals and planet. Follow me also on @milagoularte and @isf_brazilsc Xoxo

segunda-feira, 15 de agosto de 2011

#oilspill in Brazil Remembers the last golf's spill

Razil: oil spill off the coast worries    Expert says Brazil does not have a National Contingency Plan, which would be essential to meet disaster like what is happening on the coast of the southern states of the USA.    

Oil spill off the coast of Brazil is similar to that occurring in the Gulf of Mexico would be extremely disastrous 

By Renato Gianuca, especially for EcoAgência Environmental News 

Rio Grande - Professor Dr. Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande brought a grave concern. During the many lectures and seminars of the 4th Brazilian Congress of Oceanography, he stressed that an oil spill off the coast of Brazil is similar to that occurring in the Gulf of Mexico would be extremely disastrous.
According to the expert, Brazil does not have a National Contingency Plan, which would be necessary to meet such disasters as of now, on the coast of the southern states of the USA. This concern is a very current issue, when one takes into account future oil exploration in the pre-salt layer off the coast of Brazil.
"No, here in Brazil, an organization capable of responding to this disaster," noted Figueiredo, who has a PhD in Environmental Chemistry .. To try to contain the problem, but so far without success, British Petroleum (BP) and U.S. environmental officials installed protective barriers, spread chemical dispersants, and finally fired in the area surrounding the large oil spill, which already reached the coastal and conservation areas of South America.
"This action is not appropriate, because it plays heavily polluting elements in the atmosphere and can cause more damage to the marine environment," said the teacher.
The coordinator of the Course of Oceanology of the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Professor Luiz Carlos Krug, also chairman of the 4th Brazilian Congress on Oceanography, held in Rio Grande 17-22 of May 2010, on campus Careers, remember that environmental problems are gaining every year, greater importance. "This demand began to require many professionals, while the laws were stricter and environmental impact studies have become essential for any enterprise," he said.
It's just a serious problem as the current oil spill off the coast of the United States who is remembered by Professor Krug:
"The role of the oceanographer is now entering in the establishment of conditions that seek to reduce the risk of environmental disasters, as now in the Gulf of Mexico. The role of the professional is precisely evaluate the risks that may occur and recommend taking precautions to avoid such accidents. Certainly, there is a disaster, it is up to the job of an oceanographer help lessen the inevitable impact on the environment, "he said in his office at FURG Professor Krug, in an exclusive interview to EcoAgência Environmental News.
Marine debris enters the agenda of scientists 
For the first time during the 4 th Brazilian Congress of Oceanography, the serious issue of marine debris has been highlighted. It ranked high on the agenda of scientists who study the environment of the oceans. The researcher Monica F. da Costa, Federal University of Pernambuco, opened the 1st Workshop on marine debris in Brazil with an explanation of the actions to prevent the disposal of solid waste in the waters of the oceans. She recalled that at first did not win this issue even among space experts. But the problem of marine debris has been slowly gaining major, inevitably affecting the wildlife and economic activities such as fishing, which became essential to study the matter further.
And now, good news: the next day June 5, World Environment Day, President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva may, at last!, Sanction the National Policy on Solid Waste. This at least is the general expectation among the groups of Brazilian researchers who are dedicated to the issue of marine debris.
Confirmed the National Policy on Solid Waste, scientists dedicated to the themes of the sea will leave for new challenges. As an example, the implementation of a national contingency plan capable of preventing the further exploration during the pre-salt deposits of some disasters similar to that now plague the coasts of the United States.
In the Gulf, fishermen sick. And bribes under investigation
Fishermen of Louisiana, one of the most affected by the current oil pollution, they are sick.Vomiting, severe headaches and other symptoms are affecting workers. Without any condition of fish in polluted waters, losing income and their own livelihoods, they were hired, almost co-opted by the company BP to help us clean-up efforts, to try to curb the environmental disaster. And in this effort, became sick, breathing a huge amount of chemical material released in the waters.
In the U.S. network CNN television, the presenter and reporter Anderson Cooper revealed the issue of Tuesday, May 25, that the U.S. federal inspectors responsible for inspection of offshore platforms, accepting bribes and sumptuous meals and expensive tickets tosporting events of major oil companies that they, the inspectors should inspect.
In the town of Lake Charles, also in Louisiana, a federal inspector, as "monitor" four offshore platforms, negotiated for himself a job at the oil company. There in the Gulf of Mexico - Anderson Cooper said - a kind of culture where acceptance of goodies coming from the major oil and gas is widely regarded as "normal."
The U.S. Interior Secretary, Ken Salazar, ordered to investigate possible failure of federal inspectors for compliance with technical standards and safety on the platform of BP which sank after blow on the last day on April 20, killing 11 workers and causing the presentenvironmental disaster, CNN ends.
Oil spill still without control 
Thousands of barrels of oil still leaking daily, in the Gulf of Mexico. This is the worst oil disaster in the history of this industry. The technical efforts of BP and U.S. environmental authorities have proved futile so far. It is comparable with Chernobyl disaster.
This is the introduction of an article in "La Jornada," published, May 25, news agency Carta Maior. The author, journalist Alejandro Nadal, report the problem, from the construction of the Deepwater Horizon, in 2001, in Korean yards ..
"In September 2009, the Deepwater Horizon drilled the world's deepest underwater, with about 10,700 meters, of which 1,200 correspond to the water column," says Nadal. He adds:
"In a nutshell, this is the most advanced technology in the field of drilling in very deep water."
This last part is what worries the Brazilian oceanographers, a proper exploration of the area's national pre-salt will certainly require Petrobras and its partners a high investment in technology. Only then, you can securely access the vast wealth deposited there, allowing an exploration of the pre-salt clean. And equitable to all Brazilians. So far we do not experience the moments of terror experienced now in the devastated area of ​​the Gulf of Mexico

We need to do something!!
#ISF we can team up and help,GO GO GO. 

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